Wyrmfel – Dragon Lava World (inside: the battlemap, the planet as free asset)

Wyrmfel dragon science fiction map lava planets

Dragons Crashed to Planet Surface Sci Fi Battlemap

The surface of a world where two dragons fell. Inspired by fossils locked in combat and the tragedy of coal fires which burn for decades if not more. The one that I knew of is Cadamen Mines in Alberta, Canada. My father could go over the mines and cook an egg as a teenager. I was always inspired by the idea of a place that burns forever from one tragedy, and so I created this map.

This is my own work. You can use it if you want. Here it is without decor to use as a battlemap. It’s 40×27 if you use Roll20’s settings. Click for high res.

dragonfell wyrmfel two dragons burning lava scorching hot hellish furnace hell averness
Free dragon lava battlemap for VTT virtual tabletop, rocky mountainous terrain.

Made it for a Cartographer’s Guild challenge. Didn’t win.

If you want THIS map or one like it, hit me up!

Oh, if you want, here’s the ‘planets’ I made as free assets you can use in your game if you want a dragon planet or a fire planet.

free dragon planet RPG VTT asset virtual tabletop science fiction fantasy free dragon planet RPG VTT asset virtual tabletop science fiction fantasy

I have more planets and space pieces that you can get if you don’t have a solar system to pop this planet into already!

Solar System Maker Roll20 VTT celestial map kit for $4.99.

Asteroids, Nebulas, Comets, and Periodic Table of Elements Resource Markers for $4.99.

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