The World of Vel’Arn

Large fantasy map for roleplay world of Vel'Arn

This enormous world map is a piece I am particularly proud of. There are COUNTLESS details in the art and almost all of it is drawn individually for the piece, except for the trees which I still use brushes for. I feel like you can trace my path through the symbols because I get better as I go along, there’s so much going on that I really had time to improve my craft DURING this commission. Normally it takes a few pieces of art before some concepts start to click, you know?

I don’t always love my results, but I’m very happy with how this turned out, as it captures all of the zones and places the writer had created in his original version. Now, not everyone gives me a detailed map to work with but Jon created detailed square regional maps. I think it’s still visible a bit in the layout of the world, that it came from many square regions, but I’m personally satisfied with how this stitched together (and so was he). It’s an enormous map and I’m thrilled to get the opportunity to share it with whoever’s visiting (and thinking about hiring me to make you a map? 😀 )

Click the thumbnail to see a larger version if you want.

Large fantasy map for roleplay world of Vel'Arn

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